Tips for MCI Screening test & Preparation
FMGE / MCI Screening test is not so hard to pass if you have proper planning.To pass exam find out in which subjects you are weak.Only you know where you have to make more effort and what is easy for you.Some topics are so easy for you that you can just see it and everything related to that topic is revised.Also I would suggest don't underestimate any subject.You must have heard that saying ' Old is gold ' but here for MCI Screening test / fmge exam ' small is gold '. The smallest subject is so dam important.
In MCI Screening test / fmge exam the paper is divided into two parts.Each session is for 2 and a half hour.If you see time wise you get 1 minute for each question.In that way it's lots of time as most of questions are not long.But don't be in hurry too as some questions are with tricks.They are there so that you make mistake in attempt to answer it fast.So be alert while answering.
From my personal experience I suggest what I used to do.I used to tick the answers for which I was sure.In questions where I was having problem with 2 options I would give it a little time and try to solve.For those questions in which I was not at sure I used to leave that question at that particular moment.This way I used to get at lot of time let's say around 15 minutes and that time is enough to solve those questions.Don't leave many questions to solve them at last.I used to leave around 20 questions on an average.Some students used to tick answers first on question paper and at last used to tick them on OMR sheet.They learned so method from classes.But I think that method is not so correct as your double time is wasted in doing so.
Also while answering remember one thing.When you are leaving any question in order to solve it in last don't forget to leave that question's answer place blank on OMR sheet.Some used to do mistake of not leaving that place blank and you know what happens then in MCI Screening test.Always revise all subjects it's so important and also brings confidence in you. PSM , Pedia , Opthalmo , gynec are very important subjects.Make an extra effort in these subjects.The book by Dr. Vikas Dhikav is great for giving final punch in MCI Screening test / fmge exam.Lots of question are repeated from this book.
I had made specific order of each subject to prepare.So I suggest to prepare subject wise and not books wise.My order is as below .......If you like it follow same.It helped me a lot to concentrate on smaller subjects and pass fmge exam / MCI Screening test.
- Opthalmology
- Anesthesia
- Radio-diagnostic & Radio-therapy
- Skin
- Psychiatry
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Surgery
- Obs & Gynec
- Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Microbiology
- Physiology
- Bio-chemistry
- Anatomy
All these books in details are found in my other post .Also I have placed links to buy these books for fmge / MCI Screening test online.
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